O João

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O João


João was born in December 1978, in a little village next to the mountain called Serra da Gardunha, in the interior of Portugal.

  He always was a wayward boy, but good-hearted. One day, he decided to join the monastery, spending there almost seven years of his life. João really knew from the heart that he had a strong vocation to be a religious guide, until the day he decided to leave the monastery, because he definitively didn’t want to become a higher Priest.

  At this point, Adaptation had become the priority of his life: Theology, Sociology and Philosophy were subjects that he attended for some years, but never had the real desire to finish the studies in none of them. Several years ago, he went to India, motivated by religion,studying its impact on people’s mind and learning about the symbolic aspects of rituals that people do in order to venerate God.

The idea between Ego and Faith has become one of his higher quests to decipher God and João tried to listen to His voice to reach the Answer. Rituals and believes of the main religions in the world are taken seriously as part of the experience to denote the different vibrations that arise from them and above all he has learned to admire and respect all of them.

He also worked in a prison with juvenile inmates for six years, developing a strong sense to observe human nature and analyse the deficient systematic paradigm of the supposed paradise of social structures in order to bring the best human values to ordinary life. João worked with children living in a criminal and family dysfunctionality surrounding. He realised that the lack of love was the main reason for the absence of what is called a normal behaviour. Inside of the walls reality changes and motivation becomes fundamental to understand the concept of freedom.

João also helped in several institutions using his remarkable essence to serve those who are enlightened without knowing as they live in the present. Some years ago, he spent some considerable time as a patient in a psychiatric hospital, in Lisboa. In the end of his therapy, he was invite to become a part of the team with the purpose to assist people with drugs and alcohol addictions. After this, during one year he experienced to work at a retirement house too, just to discover the best way to die in order to understand the concept of living. At the age of 28, João left home for the second time and started an inner journey.He really wanted to find out more about what makes life a ride without destination. So, he wandered as a pilgrim through 22 countries. At this point, movement became a constant in his life, the fundamental aspect for the understanding of his purpose. João achieved pain through love and mercy through those who are discriminated by society, reaching a level where he became aware that material things no longer where the main character of his drama.

He visited countries like New Zealand, USA and Austria, just to mention some of them, having worked in Spain, Marocco, Portugal, England, USA, Austria, France... This experience gave him a different perspective of labour life. João has labour experience in diverse sectors, from cleaning houses in Holland to the luxury Claridge’s Hotel in London. Also in England, he was a door by door salesman. In USA,he was a Yoga teacher, bricklayer, bartender and tour manager. Some of these jobs were done, just in order to verify the reality about them and to feel the sacrifice people do for survival. Like this, João created a large contact network that is upgraded daily with publications and articles. Nowadays, flexibility has become an important tool to adapt to any kind of work. Pilgrimages are one the main traits of his personality. Walking, bicycling and by bus, João has guided several religious and spiritual tours for some years. He has walked to Fátima and made the Saint James way several times, always alone or like he uses to say: “with Jesus”. Rome , Santiago, Lourdes , Fátima, Jerusalem and Avellino are some of the places he continues to visit often.

He also has written several tours in order to achieve what he considers a moral obligation.At the moment, João lives in a farm on the mountains, where yoga, meditation and religion play an important role in his daily life. Working as Spiritual coach, Consultancy and Tour manager he delivers several projects to different enterprises.